Restrooms on UIC (East Campus)
![for the user's needs](redCircle.png)
You are represented as a red circle in the map, as you move you will leave behind red circles. These are meant in case you need a route to get back where you came from
Please allow for location permission, as it would allow you to appear in the map and show you which restroom is clossest to you.
for ios users:
settings -> Privacy -> Location Services (have it turned on)-> Safari Websites-> While Using App
Not sure if the bathrooms are still open in the renovated quad
Grant Hall
2nd floor
Stevenson Hall
(All-Gender) 2nd floor, room 204A, near the elevator
(men, women) 2nd floor
University Hall
(All-Gender) 4th floor, near Room 430
11th floor, across room 1159
Douglas Hall
Third floor, both Men and Women Restroom
Student Center East Tower
(All-Gender) 8th floor, room 802, and room 803
4th floor, around the elevators
Student Cetner East Building
(both men, women)In commuter center, requires i-card swipe
(both men, women)2nd floor of SCE, next to Amazon room
Taft Hall
Burnham Hall
(All-Gender) 2nd floor, room 214 and room 216
UIC Library
(All-Gender) 2nd floor, room 2343, sout end of the Library
1st floor (men, women), east side of the building (towards the back of the building)
2nd floor (men, women), right when you get off the escalator
(All-Gender) 2nd floor, 2112A, and 2212B
(All-Gender) 3rd floor, 3112A, and 3112B
Lincoln Hall
(men, women) Second floor by the stairs closest to bridge
Uic Business
(men, women) 1st floor before the elevators, (kind of hidden honestly)
(men, women) 2nd floor, between the waterfountains, there will be tunnel that will lead into them
(All-Gender) 1st floor, room 1004 (nest to men's bathroom)
(All-Gender)2nd floor, Room 2003
1st floor
2nd floor
5th floor
8th floor
11th floor
13th floor
![Card image cap](restroompagemainphoto.png)
Questions or feedback?
feel free to email me at the following email address:
Email me :)About Me
![for the user's needs](aboutMePhoto.png)
Hello, my name is Abraham Morales. My main reason to creating this is because during my first year of college I didn't know where the washrooms where, so I ended up going to busy restrooms where it would often be packed. However, with this website, I have listed washrooms that are across East Campus, so students (including you :) ) could go to take care of your needs
All photos have been taken by me, and I have created this web page based on my own idea. I don't mean to cause harm to UIC, I had made this to help new staff, students, but for also returning students and staff members
I am looking for a job as a programmer, so if you know any open roles or need to create a page or make an idea happen I am glad to conenct with you through email.
Created by Abraham Morales Arroyo with the help of Casandra Marin